Vitamin C

Vitamin C is our old friend from childhood. Many organisms can produce it from glucose, but unfortunately not humans. We accumulate vitamin C from outside of our organism with food. Vitamin C was initially discovered in lemon juice in 1923. After only 10 years it was synthesised and after 5 more years it was mass produced.
This vitamin is water solvable therefore it does not accumulate in the human organism. Its quantities should always be topped up. Ascorbic acid could be destroyed if influenced by high temperatures, light, and oxygen. We always need to remember that during food preparation the most part of the
vitamin C is being destroyed, so we should eat fresh foods. Vegetables for salads, for example, should be chopped and served on the table straight after.
Ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant. It helps the organism to fight viruses and bacteria, strengthen the immune system, and accelerates wound healing processes. Apart from that, vitamin C enhances the action of other vitamins and minerals, such as selenium and vitamin E.
The synthesis of hormones, including those responsible for stress, is also dependent on ascorbic acid. Vitamin improves processes of hematopoiesis, normalises capillary permeability. It is involved in the synthesis of collagen protein, which is absolutely important for tissue growth, including bone and gristle tissue. Thanks to ascorbic acid human organism assimilates calcium, getting rid of toxins, regulates metabolism. Recent researchers are sure of anti cancer properties of ascorbic acid, lessen the intoxication by alcohol and drugs, and, also slows down the ageing process.
With acute shortage of vitamin C in organism we can observe weakening of muscle tone, fatigue, rheumatic pain in limbs. Earlier, before mankind discovered the need to consume vitamins, the luck of ascorbic acid ended in disease called scurvy.
An adult’s (non-smoker) daily requirement in this vitamin is 90 mg. The good news is that excess of vitamin C is dissolved and removed with water almost with no problems. So sauerkraut lovers please do enjoy it on a daily basis. Also vast quantities of vitamin C could be found in citruses, parsley, apples, hips and others.
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